Monday, April 19, 2010

Holding Pattern

Life is in upheaval during this time of intense transition, and yet I can't help but feel like many parts of it are in a bit of a holding pattern. I've all but stopped any serious effort to continue reading or doing much in the way of productive pursuits. I am, however, enjoying my new MacBook Pro. (Let's not talk about the fact that the day after I caved and bought this beauty, Apple released it's latest updated MBPs.)

I did read a bit of "Still Failing at Fairness" (2004) before realizing that it was truly more of a refresh of the original "Failing at Fairness" than a sequel. SFAF did provide me with this compelling statistic: 98% of kindergarten teachers are women. That's actually up 8% from the original FAF (1994). Sounds like I'll once more be surrounded by the ladiez. My lot in life, apparently.

I've decided that it's time to start reading the pre-Institute required readings, too, which will delay further progress on the "So You Think You Can Teach" reading list. We'll see if I ever get back to it.

Our time in Seattle is almost up. We leave here bright and early on May 6th, a little over two weeks away, and there is still a LOT to do. Rachel has been working hard to get rid of all of our furniture, and so we are both currently clutching our computers while perched on the bed, which has been relocated to the living room and has been repurposed as a bed/couch/chair/desk/kitchen table. I've also been taking bag upon bag of clothes donations to work each day. We are really paring down our material possessions right now, which is a very liberating feeling. Today we got rid of our coffee table and futon (Ding Dong it's finally gone!!) and have already lost our dining room table and chairs, my desk and dressers, the microwave, TV, DVD player, and some lamps. Yeah, it's getting pretty empty.

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