Sunday, May 9, 2010

On the Road ... Again

I guess it's not entirely crazy that I haven't updated since our yard sale a few weeks ago. Between then and now we have sold or dumped all of our furniture and most other belongings, packed the remainder into the car, moved out of the apartment, couchsurfed with friends, quit jobs/finished school, left Seattle, and made it (so far) to Denver, CO. I haven't had nearly enough time to process all of these happenings (despite the 10-hour drives through Montana and Wyoming) and hope to dive into them a bit more in a later post.

In the meantime, however, I just want to say how much I love and loathe road trips. On the one hand, I can't stand living out of suitcases (particularly those that I didn't pack for myself), but I do enjoy the long stretches listening to country radio, exploring the awfulness of highway-side motels, and discovering regional gems like Taco Johns, to which we just treated ourselves to while watching "Miss Congeniality" (part of some station's "Mamalicious Mothers Day Weekend Movie Marathon") on our hotel room cable, another of our road-trip guilty pleasures.

We've got two more days of driving. Tomorrow's destination is sunny Kansas City, after which we'll make the final push to Ohio. We've seen the more scenic sites of the trip already, but who doesn't have a little soft spot for Kansas, after all?

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