Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ringworm?? More like Ringwraith! (or Post 43: TMI)

I love these kids. I would do just about anything for them. I truly would ... but criminy! Ringworm??? Sick. And ITCHY!

Yessir, that picture above is of my forearm region, which is currently inhabited by a nasty looking ring that has been mistaken for a bug bite for the last two days (by me -- oops!) and for a cigarette burn today. Nope! It's ringworm, which I've found out through extensive internet research today during naptime has nothing to do with worms at all (which is a very good thing -- for a while I was concerned that el ringwraith was the cause) ... the flip side of good news is always bad, however: no worm for me, it's a fungus. Yuck.

On my way home tonight I stopped by Walgreens to find an ointment to apply to my nastiness. While there two things befell me: I was mistaken for a Walgreens store manager (or maybe just any old Walgreens staff person) and -- to save $2 -- I opted to forgo the standard "Lotrimin AF" for the generic "Jock Itch Ointment" and cowered in shame and humiliation while the smokers in line judged me for my "jock itch." I tried to explain to them that it was really ringworm, which made them continue to judge me ... but from further away.

1 comment:

  1. by consuming the right foods, while avoiding others, you can heal Ringworm much faster.
