Sunday, February 21, 2010

(Obnoxiously?) Relentless Pursuit

Finished book #2 in the "Andy's Journey To Becoming A Teacher" book series. "Relentless Pursuit" was a fun read and only SORTA creeped me out, which I take to be a good thing. I've heard a lot of complaints about Teach For America, many of which were echoed from time to time in the book, but none of it bothers me too terribly much. I'm sure I'll HATE the induction pep rallies and be pretty annoyed with all the Type-A overachiever CMs (who will also be five years younger than for the most part). I probably won't see exactly eye to eye with the organization on other things to (not sure what those might be yet, but from what I've heard there are BOUND to be some disagreements), but all in all I finished the book just as (or more) excited to get started than I already was.

I'll be starting a new book today, "Letters to a Young Teacher" by Jonathan ("Savage Inequalities") Kozol. I understand it's a lighter, friendlier, more optimistic Kozol, so hopefully it won't be as depressing (and thus, take me as long to get through) as "SE."

Also, I realized that I totally dropped the ball on my president postings this week. Suffice it to say that the last few would all very conceivably come from President Josiah "Jed" Bartlett. From his first entrance ever on "The West Wing" to his showdown with a homo-hating fundamentalist to yet another showdown with the "Big Guy" himself IN LATIN (!!), Bartlett is the bar against which I measure my presidential candidates ... unfortunate for them ... and me.

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