Monday, February 22, 2010

worthless post

Well, I've finally eaten enough snickerdoodles (homemade! ... by me ... not very good) to completely eradicate any good i did today at the gym. I'm not sure when it happened, but I don't love that after eating a few cookies I can suddenly feel a bulge develop off each side of my back that a fourth or fifth cookie will send spilling out over the elastic waistband of my pajama pants.

So now Rachel and I are vegging out and complaining (for the second night in a row) about the lameness of ice dancing. Rachel wants to demote it from the ranks of Olympic sports.

I also received a rather large box of pre-institute homework from TFA today. It's both a bit daunting and a bit exciting to start doing official TFA work, rather than my own unofficial "So You Think You Can Teach" reading list, but I think I'm going to make myself read at least the books I've already picked out from the library BEFORE starting in on TFA's box o' goodies.

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